
The source of drinking water in Beniel

The water resources available to the town of Beniel for the drinking water supply come from two different sources::

  • Canales del Taibilla Municipal Association (MCT). From the north, the Orihuela water tank supplies part of the municipal area and another 43 municipalities in the Region of Murcia.
  • Empresa Mixta de Aguas y Saneamiento de Murcia (EMUASA).Two pipelines provide water from Murcia to north-west and south-west Beniel.
Segura River

Canales del Taibilla Municipal Association (MCT)

Beniel receives its supply via two pipelines from the Orihuela tunnel or tank. Both pipelines, 20 and 40 years old, respectively, run parallel to each other for approximately 8,800 metres and are served by re-pumping facilities.

The water assigned to the MCT included the complete available supply from the Taibilla River (a tributary at the head of the Segura River), from the Tajo-Segura water transfer and supplies from the new desalination plants being built by the Ministry of the Environment in the coastal region.

Empresa Mixta de Aguas y Saneamiento de Murcia (EMUASA)

EMUASA provides 60% of the water supply in the town of Beniel. It does this through two pipelines from El Raal and Zeneta, both suburban districts of Murcia.

To summarise, 23% of the water provided by EMUASA comes from the Tajo-Segura water transfer through the La Contraparada DWTP, 74% comes from the MCT and 3% from groundwater (used to irrigate over 2.3 million m2 of garden land in the municipality).

Segura River through Beniel


Tras su captación, el agua pasa por un proceso de potabilización, para que el agua distribuida al municipio sea apta para el consumo humano. Aguas de Montilla no gestiona el proceso de potabilización del agua.

Los datos relativos al origen del agua y proceso de potabilización se pueden consultar en el SINAC (Sistema de Información Nacional de Aguas de Consumo).